Shadow Systems Armorer’s Tool


Shadow Systems Armorer’s Tool


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    SKU: TL-00-01 Category: Tags: , , , , ,


    The Shadow Systems Armorer’s Tool (3/32 or 2.5 mm punch) is designed to support armorer operations on Shadow Systems pistols to a level not possible with similar tools on the market.

    The length of the tool allows easy manipulation of the extractor depressor plunger and tensioning pin on optic cut slides.  Most armorer’s tools do not have sufficient length to perform this task easily.

    The Armorer’s Tool features a specially designed handle that allows the user to quickly center certain pins on the pistol without “eyeballing” the pin’s position. It removes and centers the Trigger Housing Pin, Locking Block Pin, and Trigger Axis Pin.

    The Shadow Systems Armorer’s Tool truly is the second best thing in your range bag, after your Shadow Systems pistol of course!

    Restrictions: By buying this item from Shadow Systems, the Customer certifies that the Customer will comply with any and all requirements imposed by applicable U.S. federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and administrative policies.

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    I purchased my M918 over a year ago. I retired my Gen 2, Glock 17 and searched forever for a replacement. As a private pistol instructor, I shoot 100-500 rounds weekly and this gun has never failed. I retired in 2016 from the US Army. I spent 12 years as a Green Beret and spent many days searching for the right pistol for me. I would take this gun to combat! I don't know of a better compliment than that. Shadow Systems does it right. This is a custom level gun without the custom level price tag. Out of the box, this gun is a beast!!